As per usual Sis, your timing is right on. Caring takes effort, and sometimes I’m tired, but I don’t wanna be too tired to care. Thank you for this invitation to reflection ❤️ Lizey
very very touching, love this so much. i just finished re-reading bell hooks' "all about love" and her vision of love is what i've been striving to practice in every day life. a much-needed reminder that the unconditional giving of love IS a choice, and one we do not inherently know how to choose unless it is practiced & repeated consciously
thank you ❤️ "The Will to Change" was actually my introduction to bell hooks! very life-changing read especially as a man. i'm having a hard time figuring out what to read next to further the "love ethic" mindset she preaches but i'm very happy to have been introduced
I relate to this so much. Thank you for putting into words so many things that are so helpful to hear, so nurturing, touchstones that we are not alone in this wild, wild experience of living right now.
As per usual Sis, your timing is right on. Caring takes effort, and sometimes I’m tired, but I don’t wanna be too tired to care. Thank you for this invitation to reflection ❤️ Lizey
Well this is just everything, honestly
very very touching, love this so much. i just finished re-reading bell hooks' "all about love" and her vision of love is what i've been striving to practice in every day life. a much-needed reminder that the unconditional giving of love IS a choice, and one we do not inherently know how to choose unless it is practiced & repeated consciously
Thank you for writing and sharing these thoughts. I highly recommend "the will to change" next if you haven't read it (also hooks)
thank you ❤️ "The Will to Change" was actually my introduction to bell hooks! very life-changing read especially as a man. i'm having a hard time figuring out what to read next to further the "love ethic" mindset she preaches but i'm very happy to have been introduced
Thank you for sharing 🤎
big love, thank you thank you
i loved this so much. thank you
all is full of love, and that includes my heart, now. thank you, always.
Felt your words so deeply today, so grateful to receive them. Thank you for sharing!
I relate to this so much. Thank you for putting into words so many things that are so helpful to hear, so nurturing, touchstones that we are not alone in this wild, wild experience of living right now.
Per usual, exactly the words I need to hear (and contemplate) today. Thank you thank you thank you xx