Not for nothing but....what if people do get it? What if you don't have to say this is me take it or leave it but people say omg this is what I was looking for. We get so hung up focusing on the fears and discomfort we forget there can be healing expansion as well from being received.

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Lovely. On a side note, we call this shirt clad bottomless look "Pooh bear-ing" 🐻

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Apr 2Liked by Anna Fusco

Two things: in my circle of people, this is referred to as Donald Ducking, which is very on theme with Porky Pigging. Also, I feel you sister. Every art show I have ever had I have wished I could attend it inside a cardboard box with a tiny pinhole for me to observe from. Every time someone asks "what kind of work I do" my whole brain goes haywire and no smart words come out. I've been trying this new thing where I ask myself "but what if it's awesome?" because I am not a person who is chill during anticipation. You are rad and brave and what if it's awesome?

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Apr 2Liked by Anna Fusco

"the psychological toll of rushing is greater than any benefit being in a rush might offer," that just rocked (no pun intended) my world. Thank you for sharing a peek behind the curtain to vulnerable, often unseen side of launching into something new.

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no rat race just a rat’s pace. i love u❤️

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Apr 1Liked by Anna Fusco

It’s wild just how deeply this resonates with me in my life now. I’ve been out of ’the grind’ for a little while now, thankful I had a landing pad in the financial support of my bf at the time. The old me slowly and surely reorganized and dissolved, and I was reborn during those (5-6) years, and I’m slowly re-emerging into the world again. Art found me during that period and I’m dedicated to doing art and I’m figuring out the dance of how to be me authentically in the world, make money, manage my deeply developed introversion from years of (blessed) time with self and nature. And today I was feeling the weight of the reemergence so much and I feel deep comfort and connection with what you shared here. ☺️🙏🏼🕺🏼🦋 blessings on the opening of your shop and the deep trusting of the natural pace of our lives.

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Apr 2Liked by Anna Fusco

Reminds me of Tim Kreider’s quote “If you want to enjoy the rewards of being loved, you also have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.”

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Apr 2Liked by Anna Fusco

As someone who is tired of people asking me what I’m up to lately, because I’m going to tell them the exact same thing I’ve been telling them for months - yes, STILL working on that new collection, that new website - thank you for sharing this piece. I’ve felt shame when things take longer than I think they should take (a completely arbitrary measure of time in the first place), instead of taking pride in the fact that I’m working hard to create the most refined version of my work, the best version it can be at this point in time, at the conversion point of my ideas and my skills, and I cannot rush this process. I can also feel that this is different from past occurrences of “staying in the process will keep me hidden from view” (even though I’m sure there’s a tiny chip of that old habit leftover, too). Knowing that, it’s one foot in front of the other until the time is right. Good luck!

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Anna Fusco

It took me a year to write my first substack post.......the second one took a month. A big part of each was to stop perfecting and push the fucking button.

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i was JUST thinking this morning about how i don't want to rush anymore. love to read your words on this <3

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Whewwwew wow I really enjoyed this one. I love the feeling of being bare assed in a sweatshirt. I love trusting the world and trusting myself to respond (trying to). I love reading your work as you bridge the digital and the physical. Thank God for you Anna Fusco

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One of my favorite pieces yet. I hold deep gratitude for the way you strive to embody your value of slowness and how you share that with us readers. It is a balm for a weary heart!

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What a great read, especially the parts about rushing. Not rushing has been my New Year's resolution for the past two years and has really changed my perspective on getting ready (a usually stressful ordeal) and being present for people in my life (better to be there late than not at all!)

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Love the intentional slow-down and you're right - the rush is rarely worth it. Congrats on launching ROCKSHOP! It's interesting (and maybe a little scary) to think of it as a living extension of you -- so it's never really 'done'

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Apr 2Liked by Anna Fusco

Thanks so much for sharing, I enjoyed reading your prospective on this. I've just recently jumped out of the corporate grind and am currently trying to find my own pace. At the moment attempts at 'slow progress' are quite easily turning into 'no progress' 😅 it's interesting playing with the balance of work/play/rest on my own terms.

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I quit all kinds of bullshit just to slow everything down and right now everything is more frenetic than ever. With that is an acceptance that that is just how it is going to be for me for a couple years, and that at least for the moment it is a good problem to have and hopefully a quieter period will follow. I love what I do but it's a bit much sometimes. Regardless, I love your thoughts on all this, Anna. ❤️

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